FCC’s McDowell: NTIA Report Suggests Executive Branch Resists Relinquishing Spectrum

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Federal Communications Commission member Robert McDowell pressed the White House to get serious about freeing up more government spectrum for wireless broadband.

Broadcasters have also called for the government to do its part even as it pressures broadcasters to give up their spectrum. Commissioner McDowell, speaking to Telecom equipment vendors and providers at the TIA 2012 Conference in Dallas, said Executive Branch agencies did not provide data to support the "assumptions and conclusions" of a recent National Telecommunications & Information Administration report on availability of government spectrum. "The thrust of the report seems to indicate that the Executive Branch is going to resist relinquishing more spectrum," he said, according to a copy of his speech. Commissioner McDowell said that the government is sitting on 60% of the "best" best spectrum. "Federal users have no incentive to move off of this prime real estate but do have an incentive to keep the rest of us in the dark about how much it really would cost to move them and how long that task would really take." He called on the Obama Administration to rectify that.

FCC’s McDowell: NTIA Report Suggests Executive Branch Resists Relinquishing Spectrum