FCC Activates Disaster Information Reporting for Tropical Storm Barry
The Federal Communications Commission has announced the activation of the Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS) in response to Tropical Storm Barry. DIRS is a voluntary, web-based system that communications providers, including wireless, wireline, broadcast, cable and Voice over Internet Protocol providers, can use to report communications infrastructure status and situational awareness information during times of crisis. Communications providers are reminded that for providers that participate in DIRS, the separate Network Outage Reporting System (NORS) obligations are suspended for the duration of the DIRS activation with respect to outages in the counties where DIRS has been activated. Reports are requested at 10:00 am on July 14, 2019, and every day after that by 10:00 am until DIRS is deactivated.
FCC Activates Disaster Information Reporting for Tropical Storm Barry Emergency Communications Procedures for Tropical Storm Barry FCC Assistance for Tropical Storm Barry Emergencies Available 24/7