FCC Commissioner O'Rielly Letter to Assistant US Attorney for Guam on 911 Fee Diversion

On July 6, 2018, Federal Communications Commissioner Michael O'Rielly wrote to Mikel Schwab, Civil Chief, Assitant US Attorney for the Department of Justice in the Districts of Guam & the NMI, regarding 911 Fee Diversion. He wrote, "I have received conflicting reports from representatives in Guam about the scope, legality, and impact of [911 fee diversion] and I am seeking a clearer understanding of the precise situation...According to Governor Calvo, Guam's enacting law created a special fund for 9-1-1 fees, which 'are to be used for costs associated with the E91 reporting system and are not subject to transfer or spending without prior appropriation.' It therefore appears, subject to additional legislation or appropriation, that diversion of 9-1-1 funds would be inappropriate. It would be most helpful if you could confirm your interpretation of Guam's current law."

FCC Commissioner O'Rielly Letter to Assistant US Attorney for Guam on 911 Fee Diversion