FCC D Block Priority: Interoperable and Sustainable Public Safety Net
The Federal Communications Commission has proposed trying to re-auction the D block of spectrum for a public-private partnership creating an interoperable emergency communications network, but the Commission appears ready to work with Congress and others on an alternative that puts the spectrum directly in the hands of public safety.
In testimony prepared for a Senate hearing on the need for a nationwide public safety network, Police Chief Robert Davis plans to tell the Senate Communications Subcommittee that the D block of spectrum needs to be reallocated to public safety with sufficient funding to build and maintain the infrastructure. He'll say he speaking for virtually all the police chiefs, fire chiefs, sheriffs, and first responders, as well as governors, mayors and state legislators. According to an FCC official speaking on background, rather than push for that partnership, look for the FCC's message at the hearing Thursday to be that it stands ready to work with Congress and the public safety community and the wireless industry on a network that is truly interoperable, nationwide and technically feasible--meaning that there is enough money to create and sustain it.
FCC D Block Priority: Interoperable and Sustainable Public Safety Net