FCC Grants Waivers of ECF Service Delivery and Invoice Filing Deadlines

In this Order, we address six requests for waiver filed by Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) program applicants (collectively, the Petitioners). Specifically, we waive and extend the service delivery date and/or the invoice filing deadline for the Petitioners who applied for ECF support for equipment, non-recurring services, and recurring services during the first and second application filing windows, recognizing the emergency nature of the ECF program as well as the limited, one-time funding opportunity it presents. Earlier this year, the Wireline Competition Bureau provided ECF first and second window applicants with additional time to receive services and complete the invoicing process in recognition of the evolving and emergent nature of the ECF program. Consistent with those actions, we find good cause exists to waive section 54.1711(d) and (e) of the Commission’s rules for the Petitioners, and direct the Universal Service Administrative Company to extend any necessary deadlines for the Petitioners’ first and second window ECF funding requests consistent with this Order.

WCB Grants Waivers of ECF Service Delivery and Invoice Filing Deadlines