FCC Opens Inquiry Into New Opportunities in Mid-Band Spectrum

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The Federal Communications Commission launched a new inquiry seeking comment on ways to expand opportunities for next-generation services – particularly wireless broadband services – in mid-band spectrum. The NOI seeks comment on three specific mid-range bands (3.7-4.2 GHz, 5.925-6.425 GHz, and 6.425-7.125 GHz), and asks commenters to identify other non-federal mid-band frequencies that may be suitable for expanded flexible use.

The NOI asks for input on, among other things, the following issues:

  • How can the Commission best provide for flexible use of these bands to allow the introduction of additional fixed and mobile wireless services?
  • How can the Commission protect existing services against harmful interference?
  • What are the appropriate authorization mechanisms to maximize efficiency and promote flexible wireless use, including exclusive use, non-exclusive use, and unlicensed use?
  • Can service rules governing existing services be modified to make the bands more suitable for wireless use?
  • Can existing rules be eliminated to reduce regulatory burdens and maximize efficient use?

FCC Opens Inquiry Into New Opportunities in Mid-Band Spectrum