FCC Sec. 706 NOI Draws Advocacy Group Praise

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The Federal Communications Commission's signal in a Notice of Inquiry that its latest Sec. 706 report could start factoring in usage limits and latency and other network management issues as it considers what is reasonable and timely deployment of advanced communications and just what speed and level of access qualifies as "advanced" drew applause from public interest groups.

"The primary goal of the national Broadband Plan is for 100 million US homes to have affordable access to actual download speeds of at least 100 megabits per second by 2020," said Benton Foundation Director of Policy Amina Fazlullah. "In today’s NOI, the FCC is using its broad powers under Section 706 of the Communications Act to ask the right questions and take the right measurements to ensure the US reaches our stated goal. The Benton Foundation welcomes the FCC action and its potential positive impact on advancing other national priorities including civic participation, public safety and homeland security, healthcare, and education."

Consumers Union and the Consumer Federation of America also voiced support.

FCC Sec. 706 NOI Draws Advocacy Group Praise Benton Welcomes FCC Proceeding on Measuring Broadband Progress (Benton Foundation)