FCC's Clyburn Humorously Releases Own Version Net Neutrality Order

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Commissioner Mignon Clyburn of the Federal Communications Commission is at least keeping her sense of humor as the FCC's planned vote on rolling back net neutrality rules approaches on Dec 14. On Dec 12, a day net neutrality activists and various Web sites are trying to demonstrate how the Web would look without net neutrality rules, Commissioner Clyburn was trying to show what the rule rollback would look like without the language that excises those rules. She released her own, one-page, edited draft of the the proposed rule rollback, with all the language excised except for select words in each graph that read: "After further review of the record we affirm the 2015 Open Internet Order."

FCC's Clyburn Humorously Releases Own Version Net Neutrality Order (B&C) Dem FCC commissioner offers 'alternative' net neutrality proposal (The Hill) FCC Commissioner Clowns Chairman Ajit Pai on Twitter: ‘Alternate Plan’ (The Wrap)