Fight for the Future Claims Comcast Censorship

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Fight for the Future is claiming Comcast is trying to censor pro-network neutrality website

The site encourages users to investigate what Fight for the Future says are fake anti-net neutrality comments filed in the Federal Communications Commission docket and "likely" funded by the company, though it does not elaborate on that assertion. The group published a copy of a cease and desist letter that appears to be a legal representative of Comcast. The letter claims the domain name violates Comcast's intellectual property rights because it is "identical or confusingly similar" to Comcast's protected trademark because it "sounds the same, looks the same and is spelled similarly to Comcast." The letter says Comcast is ready to resolve the issue amicably and "without pursuing its claims for damages" but only if the domain is turned over to Comcast ASAP.

Fight for the Future Claims Comcast Censorship