Five Million Households Enrolled in Broadband Discount Program
Over five million households have enrolled in the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program since its launch in mid-May. The Federal Communications Commission released more granular enrollment data to inform its evolving awareness efforts, increase transparency in the program, and empower its outreach partners to better target awareness and enrollment efforts. The new data includes enrollee demographic information, such as age breakdown, eligibility category, type of broadband service, and enrollment numbers by five-digit Zip code area. To download five-digit Zip code Emergency Broadband Benefit enrollment data, you can visit In addition to the new data, the EBB Data Dashboard contains information related to nationwide and state-specific enrollment figures, reports the amount of program funds disbursed as participating providers file reimbursement claims, and three-digit Zip code data the FCC started releasing in late June.
Five Million Households Enrolled in Broadband Discount Program