FTC Testifies before Subcommittee of Senate Committee on the Judiciary Regarding Oversight of Antitrust Enforcement
In testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, Federal Trade Commission Chairman Joseph Simons described the agency's enforcement of antitrust laws, advocacy work, and the public hearings it is hosting on a variety of competition and consumer protection issues. And he outlined a series of notable victories in stopping anticompetitive mergers and conduct. The widespread use of technology and data often offer consumer benefits, but may also raise new competition issues, according to the testimony. When appropriate, the Commission will take action to counter the harmful effects of coordinated or unilateral conduct by technology firms. As part of the agency’s commitment to efficient merger review, the Bureau of Competition is developing a more robust system of tracking key developments in the merger review process to determine whether reviews are taking longer. Armed with better information, the Bureau will assess what can be done to make the merger review process more efficient and less burdensome while still getting to the right outcome for consumers.
FTC Testifies before Subcommittee of Senate Committee on the Judiciary Regarding Oversight of Antitrust Enforcement