Google to FCC: Privacy Pledge Unnecessary

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Google is taking issue with the Federal Communications Commission's proposal to have third parties, like Google, voluntarily adhere to cable-like customer privacy rules in exchange for getting access to cable operator set-top content. That was a quid pro quo proposed in FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler's set-top box "unlocking" proposal, which Google supports. But in comments filed at the FCC, Google said: "Imposing new privacy rules specifically directed to a new generation of devices and applications is unnecessary given the comprehensive scope of the [Federal Trade Commission] Act and state privacy laws."

Despite those FTC and state options, the FCC has had separate customer network proprietary information (CPNI) rules, and still does, on cable's care and handling of customer information like, say, what VOD fare they are paying for. But Google says the FTC, states and private litigants (courts) will make sure that navigation devices will "honor the commitments they make in their privacy policies." "Although limitations on the FCC's jurisdiction under Sec. 629 of the Communications Act prevent it from applying the rules that apply to 'cable operators' and 'satellite carriers' to suppliers of devices, the FCC can work closely with the FTC to ensure that consumers are protected if device providers fail to live up to their privacy obligations."

Google to FCC: Privacy Pledge Unnecessary