Google Fiber coming to San Francisco, using someone else’s fiber
Google Fiber announced plans to offer Internet service in San Francisco (CA) apartments, condos, and affordable housing properties. Instead of installing its own fiber cables, Google said it will use existing fiber, allowing it to bring service to the city more quickly. Google may need to do some work outside and inside buildings to connect properties to the existing fiber, but otherwise not much construction will be required. This is similar to a deal Google announced with a city-owned utility in Huntsville (AL). But in the San Francisco case, Google is not saying what entity it is leasing or buying fiber from or when it will start offering service. With the addition of San Francisco, there are now seven metro areas where Google Fiber plans to offer service in addition to the four where it already serves customers. Google Fiber lists another 11 metro areas as "potential" fiber cities. In most cities, Google says it is building fiber networks from scratch.
Google Fiber coming to San Francisco, using someone else’s fiber Serving San Francisco apartments and condos, using existing fiber (Google) Google Fiber Is Finally Coming to Where All the Startups Are (Revere Digital)