Governor Cooper Encourages North Carolinians to Help Accurately Pinpoint High-Speed Internet Needs Across the State

Governor Roy Cooper urged North Carolina local and tribal governments, nonprofits and broadband service providers to help identify areas across the state that need better access to high-speed internet. These organizations are encouraged to submit data challenging eligible locations for inclusion in the federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program, which launches in early 2025. The program provides $1.53 billion to North Carolina to bring high-speed internet infrastructure to unserved and underserved locations across the state. The N.C. Department of Information Technology’s Division of Broadband and Digital Equity has officially launched the BEAD Challenge Process, and the deadline to submit challenges is Thursday, Oct. 3 at 11:59 p.m.

Governor Cooper Encourages North Carolinians to Help Accurately Pinpoint High-Speed Internet Needs Across the State