Governor Polis signs Bipartisan Senate Bill 23-183, removing the biggest barrier to connecting all Coloradans to high-speed internet
Governor Jared Polis (D-CO) signed the bipartisan Senate Bill 23-183 (SB23-183), removing the biggest barrier to providing all Coloradans with access to high-speed broadband and allowing the state to capitalize on upcoming federal broadband funding for capital projects and digital adoption programs. SB23-183 revises a law established in 2005, SB05-152, which prohibited most uses of municipal or county money for infrastructure to improve local broadband service without obtaining voter approval to opt-out. SB23-183 gives local governments the authority to provide broadband service, either on their own or by partnering with industry service providers, without holding a local election. Local governments historically have not been directly involved in the delivery of telecommunication services. The increasing need for access to high-speed internet has forced many local government officials to reexamine their role in providing broadband services.
Governor Polis signs Bipartisan Senate Bill 23-183 Fact Sheet: Senate Bill 23-183