Hill Keeps DTV on Front Burner

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One thing about the debate over the progress of the digital television (DTV) transition is becoming abundantly clear: If it doesn't go well, blame will be passed around a whole lot swifter than converter box coupons. The House Telecommunications & Internet Subcommittee, which is hoping to wrap up its business this week, is trying to press the point that primary stakeholders in the transition must do everything possible to prevent viewer -- and voter -- backlash. Simply calling a DTV oversight hearing prompted a flurry of activity, including the release of a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report finding fault with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, a letter from FCC Chairman Kevin Martin to electronics retailers asking where all those vaunted $40 DTV converter boxes are, and the decision finally to allow nursing-home residents and post-office-box owners to get converter box subsidies.

Hill Keeps DTV on Front Burner