How State Broadband Offices Use Scoring Metrics to Evaluate Grant Applications

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In a November 4, 2021, memo sent to state broadband offices that are participating in The Pew Charitable Trusts’ technical assistance program, the “Broadband Education and Training Initiative,” Pew experts explored how states use scoring metrics to evaluate broadband grant applications. The choice and weight of metrics should reflect each state’s priorities in order to ensure funded projects will advance state goals and deliver meaningful benefits to residents. The following memo includes information on broadband grant scoring metrics, with side-by-side comparisons of the metrics used by Indiana, Minnesota, and Virginia. These three states represent both relatively well-established state broadband grant programs (Minnesota, in particular) as well as programs that updated their scoring systems in 2020 and 2021.

[Kathryn de Wit is Project Director and Anna Read is Senior Officer at The Pew Charitable Trusts' Broadband Access Initiative.]

How State Broadband Offices Use Scoring Metrics to Evaluate Grant Applications