How the Trump FCC Is Disconnecting the Poor

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March 8, the Voices for Internet Freedom coalition hosted a briefing for members of Congress and their staff about the disastrous policies the Federal Communications Commission is moving forward that would make it harder for poor people to access vital communications services. The FCC’s War on the Poor briefing brought together affected communities, advocates and policy experts for a panel discussion about the FCC’s proposal to roll back the Lifeline program, the vote to undo Title II Net Neutrality, and the agency’s refusal to stand up to predatory prison-phone companies. All of these actions have a disproportionate impact on communities of color and people living below the poverty line.

Speakers and panelists at the War on the Poor briefing called on members of Congress to:

  1. Voice their opposition to the plan to roll back Lifeline, and leave millions without affordable internet access.
  2. Support bipartisan legislation that would force the FCC to stand up for families being exploited by prison-phone companies’ predatory practices.
  3. Sign on to the congressional effort to overturn the FCC’s bad Net Neutrality vote and restore the Title II Net Neutrality protections.

How the Trump FCC Is Disconnecting the Poor