Internet Health and NYC

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To demonstrate what makes internet health meaningful for stakeholders and communities at the municipal level, this collection of case studies offers a portrait of a vibrant city working in different ways toward a common public good – an inclusive, safe, secure, open, and decentralized internet. The report examines how people, civil society institutions, government, and advocates – all committed to digital rights – can make our relationship to the internet healthier across five crucial issue areas:

  1. Digital inclusion: Beyond access, participation is safe and meaningful for all of us, including those who are traditionally marginalized or excluded from digital participation.
  2. Decentralization: Instead of a few, the internet is controlled by many, for greater resilience, more diversity, and to prevent harmful concentrations of power.
  3. Privacy and security: Everyone is able to assess and use digital and data systems safely.
  4. Openness: Technologies and data that drive the Web are transparent and actionable.
  5. Web literacy: Everyone can read, write, and participate in the digital era, as producers and consumers.

Internet Health and NYC