Internet Satisfaction Report: 89% Have Reliable Access
Two things are clear in an internet satisfaction report commissioned by Amdocs and conducted by researchers at Dynata: Broadband generally is working well and many see it as a necessity. The survey found that 89% of respondents said they have reliable access and that the number of homes with more than nine connected devices has almost doubled since 2021. Only 13% of homes with annual incomes of less than $50,000 per year (low-income) have more than nine connected devices. Forty-one percent of households with incomes of more than $150,000 have more than nine. The survey found that almost half—49%–of consumers said that they are happy with their home Internet, while occasionally having issues. Forty percent said they never have an issue and 11% said they struggle with connectivity. More than two-thirds (68%) of respondents report having Internet that doesn’t affect their job, school or career opportunities, while 32% report problems. These issues include connections that are too slow for tasks such as video calls, too many people using the connection at once, or service interruptions. Amdocs and Dynata found that 84% of respondents consider Internet access a necessity, though only 79% of Gen-Zers share that opinion. Sixty-one percent reported that they felt it is important to close the digital divide before the 2024 election: Twenty-six felt it is extremely important to do so, 35% felt it is somewhat important, 26% were unsure, 9% felt it is not important and 4% felt it is “very unimportant.” There was no unanimity on who should be responsible for closing the gap.
Internet Satisfaction Report: 89% Have Reliable Access