It’s Time to Dial Back on ETC Requirements

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The introduction of the Expanding Opportunities for Broadband Deployment Act by Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-NC) is an important development in the vital Universal Service Fund (USF) program. At a time when all trends point toward reduced regulation as the key to expanding broadband access to more consumers, especially those living in the more costly and remote service areas, this needed legislative reform would eliminate the outdated requirement of an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) designation for broadband providers seeking USF grant money. By reforming this onerous and unnecessary obligation, the net result will be more broadband access and better connectivity for millions of Americans. The ETC designation is not only failing to help strengthen our nation’s online connections, it is actually doing the opposite of its stated goal and driving providers away and reducing consumer choice. For a better connection for the Americans who need it most, ending the ETC designation makes enormous sense. 

[Gerard Scimeca is an attorney and co-founder of CASE, Consumer Action for a Strong Economy, a free-market oriented consumer advocacy organization.]

It’s Time to Dial Back on ETC Requirements