Level 3 blames Internet slowdowns on ISPs’ refusal to upgrade networks

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Recent public battles over how network interconnections affect the quality of streaming video have almost all involved one company: Cogent Communications. Cogent CEO Dave Schaeffer has claimed that his company is simply the only one willing to put up a public fight.

But even though Cogent makes the most noise, it's not the only Internet bandwidth provider battling consumer Internet service providers like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T. Level 3, another company that has fought consumer ISPs in previous years, has mostly remained quiet lately.

But now, Level 3 decided to voice its displeasure in a blog post by general counsel for regulatory policy Michael Mooney. Additionally, Level 3 recently asked the Federal Communications Commission to regulate the network interconnections known as peering in a possible revision of network neutrality rules.

Level 3 blames Internet slowdowns on ISPs’ refusal to upgrade networks “Chicken” | A Game Played as a Child and by some ISPs with the Internet (Level 3) Paid peering is not a net neutrality issue but Level 3 wants to make it one (GigaOm)