Meet Diamond State Networks, an Arkansas Statewide Fiber Network
Thirteen Arkansas electric cooperatives have come together to establish Diamond State Networks, a fiber network that covers more than 64 percent of the state’s land mass. The network was created by interconnecting existing networks operated by the 13 companies. Plans include offering wholesale connectivity on the network to other service providers, as well as further network expansion. Collectively, the companies have invested or plan to invest more than $1.66 billion in fiber network infrastructure, which will serve nearly 600,000 potential customer locations. The co-managing members of Diamond State Networks are Mitchell Johnson, president and CEO of Ozarks Electric, and Jeremiah Sloan, president and CEO of Craighead Electric. “By bringing these networks together, we’re investing to build a middle mile network for long-term, far-reaching affordability and delivering high-performance connectivity to every corner of our state,” said Johnson. “Ultimately it will offer local internet service providers better access and capacity to deliver their services, and better opportunities to directly serve businesses with reliable connectivity wherever they are. We’re making it affordable to reach more areas with best-in-class technology to close the gaps from past limitations.”
Meet Diamond State Networks, an Arkansas Statewide Fiber Network