Meet the Newest Muni Broadband Advocacy Group

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A group of municipal officials have formed a new advocacy group for municipal broadband in the United States, dubbed the American Association for Public Broadband (AAPB). "For decades, municipal networks have achieved success across the country. Now, with AAPB, we have a clear unified voice," the group noted on its new website. "We work collaboratively with communities, policymakers, service providers and other industry groups to advance high-speed broadband deployments in the United States." Part of the group's work aims to spread muni broadband success stories to decision-makers to balance cautionary stories. Founding members of the new group include Highland Communication Services in Illinois; Traverse City Light and Power in Michigan; Kitsap PUD in Washington; Ridgefield Economic and Community Development Commission in Connecticut; and UTOPIA Fiber in Utah.

Meet the Newest Muni Broadband Advocacy Group