Mississippi AG switcheroo on T-Mobile/Sprint is unique, says Blair Levin

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The decision by Mississippi's Attorney General to switch sides to support the proposed T-Mobile/Sprint merger immediately triggered questions about whether other states would follow suit. But MS is unique in its decision—and there’s little reason to suggest a slew of other states will follow in its footsteps. "Mississippi presents something of a unique case…as a preliminary matter, we note that Mississippi got an even worse deal than Florida and arguably worse than what the FCC negotiated for the nation as a whole,” said New Street Research policy analyst Blair Levin. “Florida got marginally better 5G coverage requirements than the FCC on a variety of metrics…Our point is that this deal, on its face, is not likely to cause any jealously in the hearts of policy makers in California, New York or the other more populous and wealthier states that remain in the litigation.”

Mississippi’s switcheroo on T-Mobile/Sprint unique - analyst