NDIA And Mobile Citizen Launch "Digital Inclusion Trailblazers"

The National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) launches Digital Inclusion Trailblazers, a resource for tracking local government digital inclusion leadership and programs. With the support of Mobile Citizen, a provider of low-cost mobile Internet exclusively to nonprofits, educational entities and social welfare agencies, NDIA has developed a public inventory of local government initiatives across the US that promote digital literacy and broadband access for underserved residents.

“Our goal is to create a powerful advocacy and promotional tool for local, state and national digital inclusion leadership, and an easy-to-access database of examples and contacts for communities interested in taking similar steps themselves,” said NDIA Director Angela Siefer. The inventory includes information on key indicators of municipal and county government leadership on digital inclusion, along with online references and local contacts.

NDIA And Mobile Citizen Launch "Digital Inclusion Trailblazers"