Net Neutrality Group 'Fight for the Future' Targets Democrats and Republicans
Fight for the Future is taking the gloves off in its effort to battle the Republican-controlled Federal Communications Commission's party line vote to roll back network neutrality rules and deed primary Internet regulatory authority to the Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department. It has launched the website, which asks its Internet followers to vote out lawmakers--Republicans and Democrats--who do not join a Democrat-led effort to use the Congressional Review Act to nullify that rule rollback, saying holdouts are "betraying" the public. Fight For the Future wants Congress to nullify the Restoring Internet Freedom order, just as Republicans did with several Obama-era rules, including the Democratic-led FCC's broadband privacy order. That is a nonstarter with most of the Republicans who control Congress and generally favor the rule rollback, but there were some Republicans who had issues with that rollback, and only a simple majority is needed to approve a CRA resolution.
Net Neutrality Group 'Fight for the Future' Targets Democrats and Republicans