Net Neutrality: Washington's Chance at a Bi-Partisan Win-Win Solution
[Commentary] During the telecommunications debates of the past decade, Republicans have consistently opposed network neutrality legislation. Now, in the interest of obtaining lighter regulatory treatment for broadband as an information service, Republicans have signaled their willingness to enshrine meaningful network neutrality protections in a statute in return for not applying common carrier regulation to the Internet. By accepting the Republican offer, Congressional Democrats would achieve their long-held goal of statutory permanence for network neutrality in exchange for a return of broadband to the information services status it has enjoyed since its inception for all but a few months of 2015.
Net neutrality guarantees would be virtually immune from legal challenge and far removed from political risk. Why wouldn't Democrats want to take advantage of this unique opportunity? There's no reason not to take the deal for either party and also thereby remind the Federal Communications Commission that no matter which party controls it, Congress is the ultimate arbiter of telecom policy. As a Democrat and network neutrality proponent, this is a deal I hope the Democrats will accept.
[Rick Bouhcer is a former Chairman of the House Communications Subcommittee and is honorary Chairman of the Internet Innovation Alliance]
Net Neutrality: Washington's Chance at a Bi-Partisan Win-Win Solution