Nielsen Global Survey Finds Believability Is the Key to Advertising Effectiveness

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While consumer trust of advertising seen on television, in magazines, on the radio and online has grown since 2007, nothing can top word-of-mouth recommendations from friends. That's according to a global study by Nielsen on trust in advertising and brand messages.

The Nielsen survey of more than 29,000 consumers in 58 countries worldwide, including in the US, found 84% saying they trust recommendations from friends-up from 78% in a similar survey done in 2007. Consumer opinions posted online were cited by 68% of those surveyed as being trustworthy, with TV ads getting a vote of confidence from 62%, up from 56% in 2007. Ads in newspapers were cited by 61% of consumers in the survey as being believable, but that was down slightly from the 63% who found them worth their salt in 2007. Ads in magazines were listed as trustworthy by 60% of respondents, up 4% from 2007; radio commercials were tabbed by 57%, also up 4% from 2007; commercials before movies were up a sizable 18% from 2007, selected this time by 56% of consumers surveyed; and online banner ads were deemed trustworthy by 42% of those surveyed, up 16%. Text ads on mobile phones also grew in believability, rising to 37% in this survey, a 19% increase from 2007.

Nielsen Global Survey Finds Believability Is the Key to Advertising Effectiveness