No Home Left Offline: Bridging the Broadband Affordability Gap

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EducationSuperHighway has released a new report on bridging the broadband affordability gap to mark the launch of their new mission and No Home Left Offline campaign. Key report highlights include:

  • 18.1 million unconnected households (46.9 million people) have access to Internet service but cannot afford to connect to even low-cost broadband plans.
  • In 43 states, the broadband affordability gap is the largest portion of the digital divide, making up 58% of the digital divide in states with rural populations that exceed the national average.
  • Previous efforts to provide the resources households need to connect have fallen short. As few as 17% of Americans eligible for federal broadband affordability programs have enrolled due to awareness, trust, and enrollment barriers.

No Home Left Offline: Bridging the Broadband Affordability Gap