President Trump’s new infrastructure plan allocates $50B to rural area investments, eases small cell deployments

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President Donald Trump issued a new $1.5 trillion infrastructure package that his administration claims will help drive rural broadband and ease permitting processes for wireless operators installing small cell infrastructure. Under the plan, $50 billion would be made available to the Rural Infrastructure Program for capital investments in rural infrastructure investments. Out of the $50 billion figure, 80 percent of the funds under the Rural Infrastructure Program would be provided to the governor of each State via formula distribution. Each state governor, who will consult with designated Federal agency and State directors of rural development, would be able to choose individual investments to respond to their unique rural needs. 

 A portion of the Rural Infrastructure Program funds would be set aside for Tribal infrastructure and territorial infrastructure, with the remainder available for states.  This latest action follows two presidential orders President Trump signed in January that, at the time, he said would enhance rural broadband coverage and availability. As part of Trump’s infrastructure plan, the Trump administration has called to expedite the permitting process for wireless operators to install small cells and other related network equipment to deliver 5G wireless services.

President Trump’s new infrastructure plan allocates $50B to rural area investments, eases small cell deployments