Q&A—Former FCC chairman Wheeler speaks out on zero-rated data, the IoT and what he’s doing now

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A Q&A with former Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler.

Asked, "Looking back on your time as chairman, what would you consider your highlights?" Tom Wheeler responded, "It was the most incredible privilege to be in that role as networks changed and thus changed the way we live our lives and do business. I’m proud that we brought the concept of agile software development to the FCC in the form of agile regulatory actions that respond to circumstances (e.g., the general conduct rule for the Open Internet, the “trust but verify” approach to cybersecurity, etc.). I’m proud of our efforts to expand access to networks (spectrum auctions, eRate, LifeLine, etc.); assure that those networks are fast, fair and open; to make the expectation of privacy a default for those who use networks; and to make network cybersecurity a major responsibility for the agency."

Q&A—Former FCC chairman Wheeler speaks out on zero-rated data, the IoT and what he’s doing now