Ranking House Oversight Committee Member Says FCC Lacks Transparency On Broadband Hires

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In a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski, Rep Darrell Issa (R-CA), ranking member of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee, has accused the FCC of a "lack of transparency" about who it has enlisted to help draw up the national broadband plan. Rep Issa says that he is particularly concerned about temporary positions "held at the FCC by lobbyists and industry insiders." He identifies three examples of senior staff appointments announced last August and says that employees "on leave from companies and lobbying firms invested in or interested in broadband development increases the potential for conflict of interest and unfair influence." Rep Issa has requested that the chairman deliver by Dec. 22 a list of "all staff" working on the plan, including their title and "background," as well as an organizational chart with reporting structure, and a list specifically of limited-term employees. He also wants a written answer from the chairman on how employees were vetted for their posts and what consideration was given to possible conflict of interest.

Ranking House Oversight Committee Member Says FCC Lacks Transparency On Broadband Hires