A re-write of the 1996 Communications Act? That’s exactly what I wanted for Christmas!
[Commentary] At a highly appropriate venue -- a Google Plus hangout -- two Republican heavyweights announced that they will begin rewriting the Communications Act, a 1934 relic that was revised most recently in 1996. The act set up the regulatory structure for telephones, television, radio, and a fledgling technology called the Internet. It is, to put it mildly, out of date. Reopening any gigantic piece of law is a risk. In this case, what legislators must keep in mind is that the Internet has thrived because it has been largely a regulation-free zone. The next regulatory structure for communications in general should look like the structure for the Internet: light touch and flexible. We’re happy to see Chairmen Upton and Walden leading the way.
A re-write of the 1996 Communications Act? That’s exactly what I wanted for Christmas!