Rep. Eshoo: FCC Needs To Better Sell Auctions To Broadcasters

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Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) told the Federal Communications Commission it needs to do more outreach to broadcasters about the benefits of participating in the broadcast spectrum incentive auctions.

In a letter to FCC Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn, Rep. Eshoo, ranking member of the House Communications Subcommittee, praised the outreach to date via webinars and workshops in the FCC's LEARN outreach program. But she said that given the complexity of the auction, more needs to be done to reach "as many broadcasters as possible" about how they "may be able to serve their community" by sharing channels, moving from UHF to VHF or opting for cable- or satellite- or Internet-only delivery.

Rep. Eshoo: FCC Needs To Better Sell Auctions To Broadcasters