Rep. Scalise Tries Again To Repeal Must-Carry, Retransmission Regime

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House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) launched another effort at massive communications deregulation, one he has been pushing for most of a decade, so far without success. Rep Scalise has reintroduced a discussion draft of his Next Generation Television Marketplace Act, which repeals must-carry and retransmission consent rules and the compulsory license. That is the license that allows broadcasters to include nonlocal programming in their retransmission deals without having to secure individual rights from national network and syndication rightsholders. The bill would also "eliminate the government's role in defining the scope of programming exclusivity" and "codify the repeal of certain limitations imposed on local broadcasters that prevent them from adapting to today’s dynamic communications marketplace." Like previous incarnations, the bill also includes eliminating the network nonduplication and syndicated exclusivity rules, as well as broadcast ownership limits.

“Innovation tends to follow the path of least government resistance. For proof, look no further than the growth of online streaming services that are operating in a completely free market, while competing against other platforms that are regulated as if they were still monopolies from the 1990’s," said Rep Scalise. "My legislation will level the playing field so consumers can benefit from even more freedom in the video marketplace.”

Rep. Scalise Tries Again To Repeal Must-Carry, Retransmission Regime