Scranton, Verizon Partnering to Deliver Universal Internet Access to the City

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The City of Scranton (PA) is celebrating the investment of tens of millions of dollars from Verizon over the next three years, at no project cost to the City. This project, which has already begun in sections of the City, will develop a ubiquitous network of fiber internet access to homes, providing the opportunity for all Scranton residents to subscribe to high-speed internet. Verizon was selected from four vendors in a request for qualifications (RFQ) process that began in October 2023. Per the agreement, the costs for the project will be borne by Verizon with no funding needed from the City. According to Verizon, millions of Americans still lack necessary access to broadband internet service, with many unable to afford it. To help Scranton close its existing digital divide, Verizon will construct a Fiber to the Premises (FTTP) network to reach all broadband serviceable locations in the City that are reasonably able to be served by a fiber-optic connection.

Scranton, Verizon Partnering to Deliver Universal Internet Access to the City