Sen Nelson Signals Disclosure Rules Bill

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Even as a House bill was being introduced to get the Federal Communications Commission to require more detailed disclosures of the funders of political ads from PACs and nonprofits, Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Bill Nelson (D-FL) was writing FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to give him notice that he, too, would be introducing a similar bill. He called on the FCC to "immediately launch a long-overdue rulemaking to update its sponsorship identification requirements," but also said he would be introducing a bill that would require it to issue new rules. “In an era where billions of dollars are being spent to market products and influence political races with TV advertising, it is high time that the FCC update its rules to ensure viewers know who actually is footing the bill for these advertisements,” Ranking Member Nelson wrote. The senator pointed out that two years ago he raised the issue of the need for full disclosure and argued the agency could require more detailed information without legislation to require it.

Sen Nelson Signals Disclosure Rules Bill Nelson Seeks New Political Ad Disclosure Rules (Senate Commerce Commitee Press Release)