Senators Back FCC Proposal to Put Political Files Online

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In a letter to the Federal Communications Commission, eight Democratic senators, led by Sen Jeff Merkley (D-OR), expressed their support for the FCC's proposal to require broadcast stations to put their political files online. While legislators often frame their advice as general suggestions, the senators were emphatic in their call to action.

"We urge you to implement these proposed rule changes as soon as possible," they wrote, pointing out the 2012 election season was already underway. "The online posting of information in broadcast stations' political file cannot wait until months after the election," they wrote. "Citizens deserve to know who is responsible for funding these advertisements today." The senators -- including Al Franken (D-MN), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), and Mark Begich (D-Alaska) -- said they wanted the FCC to find a way to do it that would not be a cost burden on broadcasters, especially smaller ones -- broadcasters have also argued it is a major reporting burden. But they want the FCC to make the files accessible ASAP, something unlikely given that even if the FCC did decide to it, they would have to first vote, then have the paperwork collection -- or electronic paperwork, as it were -- portion vetted by OMB per the paperwork reduction act, which can take months.

Senators Back FCC Proposal to Put Political Files Online