Shutting Down Obsolete Technologies
Verizon admitted that shutting down the 3G cellular networks cost it about 1.1 million retail cellular customers along with the corresponding revenues. This was long expected because there are still a lot of places where 3G technology was the only cellular signal available to rural customers living in remote areas, and a lot of people were still happy with 3G flip phones even where 4G was available. Verizon has been trying to shut down the 3G network for at least five years, but its original plans got delayed due to discussions with the Federal Communications Commission and then got further delayed because of the pandemic – it didn’t seem like a good idea to cut folks dead when cellular stores were shuttered. All of the technologies used for broadband and telecom eventually become obsolete. Most transitions to new technologies are phased in over time. But some upgrades are painful. There were folks who lost cellular coverage when 3G was cut dead since they lived in a place that might not be able to receive the 4G replacement. A 3G phone needed only a tiny amount of bandwidth to operate – at levels, newer phones would perceive to be far under one service bar.
Shutting Down Obsolete Technologies