Spectrum Auctions: Sens. Want 'Expeditious' Coordination With Mexico, Canada
Yet another group of legislators has asked the Federal Communications Commission to get moving on coordination with Mexico and Canada as it prepares its plan for reclaiming broadcast spectrum for auction and repacking stations to free up contiguous blocks for that auction. The latest is from a bipartisan group of senators including members of the Commerce Committee and the chair of the Judiciary committee.
In a letter to FCC Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn, the senators praised her for her leadership in implementing the voluntary broadcaster incentive auction, but also said it is "essential" that international coordination be addressed expeditiously." Among those signing the letter, which was dated Sept 20, were Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Commerce Committee members Al Franken (D-MN) and Ron Johnson (R-WI). The senators pointed out that there were some border coordination problems during the digital television transition, which had a much longer time line than the auction, which is targeted for completion by the end of next year. "It is important that the FCC takes advantage of the insights gained during the DTV transition in carrying out this coordination process," they wrote.
Spectrum Auctions: Sens. Want 'Expeditious' Coordination With Mexico, Canada