Spectrum Legislation Expected to Be Rolled Into End-of-Year Bill
House Republican leadership is expected attach House spectrum incentive auction legislation to a broad, end-of-the year, must-pass bill, a House Commerce Committee source confirmed on background.
The Jumpstarting Opportunity with Broadband Spectrum (JOBS) Act passed the Communications Subcommittee last week, and the source said House leaders have indicated it could be added to that legislative package, which would extend the payroll tax holiday, as the president has called for, but also include things on the Republican's wish list, like their version of the incentive auction bill, which would prevent the FCC from putting access conditions on spectrum reclaimed for wireless. A Senate version of spectrum incentive auction legislation was added to the president's Jobs bill back in September, but that bill failed to pass. One D.C. bill-watcher said they expected the JOBS Act to be added to the package before it gets a full Commerce Committee vote.
Spectrum Legislation Expected to Be Rolled Into End-of-Year Bill