T-Mobile eyes auction for 800 MHz spectrum that Dish can’t buy

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Now that Dish Network has said it will not be buying the 13.5 MHz chunk of nationwide 800 MHz spectrum from T-Mobile that it was entitled to for $3.59 billion, all eyes are on the upcoming auction. Technically, Dish has until April 1 to exercise its option to buy the 800 MHz spectrum. Should April 1 come and go without Dish exercising its option, T-Mobile is obligated to take the spectrum to auction with a floor price of just under $3.6 billion. “We haven't commenced that auction yet, but should they choose not to exercise it, that'll be the next step for us,” he said. The deadline for the auction is this fall, and any restrictions on who is eligible to bid on the spectrum will be up to the Federal Communications Commission. Other parties have expressed interest in the spectrum, including Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, which could use it to deploy wireless broadband networks for electric utilities.

T-Mobile eyes auction for 800 MHz spectrum that Dish can’t buy