Telecommunications needs a reset: Is the Telecom Ecosystem Group the answer?

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The telecommunications ecosystem is broken, but there's a move underway by the Telecom Ecosystem Group to rectify, if not completely reset, some of those problems. The Telecom Ecosystem Group was formed last year as a means to, among other tasks, make it easier for start-ups to survive in the telecommunications sector while also fueling innovation. Some of the issues the group is addressing include onerous Request For Proposals processes, which can be up to 50 pages long, funding, which includes not requiring startups to pay for proof-concept trials, procurement, and innovation processes. For funding, telecommunications investment cycles can take years, which makes it difficult for startups to get a return on their investments. The length of time for small vendors to bring a product or solution to bear at a telco, or the market in general, has led to a lack of interest by venture capitalists to fund startups, according to the Telecom Ecosystem Group. There's also a lack of competition between small and large vendors. Large vendors have bigger R&D teams, more capital, and existing relationships with telcos, which creates a barrier of entry for startups.


Telecommunications needs a reset: Is the Telecom Ecosystem Group the answer?