Twitter changed its mind and will let Marsha Blackburn promote her ‘inflammatory’ campaign ad after all

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On Oct 9, Twitter blocked a campaign video ad from Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), calling the ad “inflammatory” and claiming that it violated the company’s ad guidelines. On Oct 10, Twitter changed its mind. Rep Blackburn can now promote the video, in which the self-described “hardcore, card carrying Tennessee conservative” talked about her efforts to stop “the sale of baby body parts,” in a reference to Planned Parenthood. “After further review, we have made the decision to allow the content in question from Rep. Blackburn's campaign ad to be promoted on our ads platform,” a Twitter spokesperson said. “While we initially determined that a small portion of the video used potentially inflammatory language, after reconsidering the ad in the context of the entire message, we believe that there is room to refine our policies around these issues. We have notified Rep. Blackburn's campaign of this decision."

Twitter changed its mind and will let Marsha Blackburn promote her ‘inflammatory’ campaign ad after all Twitter backs down, will allow Blackburn to promote Senate ad (The Hill)