Virgin Mobile Takes On AT&T's T-Mobile Acquisition

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Virgin Mobile USA is turning its manufactured celebrity spokescouple into a pair of attack dogs taking on the impending acquisition of T-Mobile by AT&T in a new advertising campaign breaking this week. In a new set of television commercials, Virgin Mobile's "Sparah," a manufactured celebrity couple intended to attract tabloid coverage, encounters a T-Mobile lookalike in the company's signature all-white setting, calling the place "boring." The T-Mobile lookalike agrees the set is boring, and it will only become more so when the company is taken over by AT&T, "who ranks last in customer service." After an AT&T representative appears (a balding man in an ill-fitting suit), Sparah asserts that T-Mobile's customers could switch to Virgin Mobile, while the setting shifts to a nightclub party. After preaching a value message about Virgin Mobile and Android phones, the scene cuts to the faux T-Mobile spokeswoman being aggressively hit on by the AT&T representative and saying, "I'm contractually obligated to enjoy this."

Virgin Mobile Takes On AT&T's T-Mobile Acquisition Sprint Pitches Roundabout Fit About AT&T, T-Mobile Deal (AdAge)