What Schools Should Know About Using E-Rate Funds for Bus Wi-Fi Upgrades

Coverage Type 

For decades we have known that for many underprivileged students, leaving the school grounds contributes to a homework gap because they cannot do much schoolwork without a robust internet connection. Bus Wi-Fi could fill a need for the millions of students who have a school-issued laptop but no reliable internet at home. In October 2023, the Federal Communications Commission added school bus Wi-Fi to the list of services eligible for E-Rate funding in Category 1. A vital funding source for schools and libraries, E-Rate funds can offset up to 90 percent of the cost of bus Wi-Fi equipment, installation and configuration, plus necessary accessories and monthly service fees. With E-Rate funding, schools can add internet to more school buses or mobile science, technology, engineering and math labs. With internet on buses, students on their daily commute or traveling for field trips or athletic activities can get extra time for homework, projects or studying.



[Crystal Montvid is a senior mobility solution architect at CDW. Dave LeNard is CDW’s E-Rate manager.]

What Schools Should Know About Using E-Rate Funds for Bus Wi-Fi Upgrades