Why Broadcast TV Is So Thankful for Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving Day is now home to four of fall's most-watched programs.

Macy's iconic parade and three Turkey Day football games ranked among the 30 most-watched network programs last fall. The whole holiday has become a testament to the drawing power of live TV -- and captive audiences -- as friends and families gather for the meal and end up riveted to their TV sets all day long.

"People love watching live events, and this has become part of what families do on Thanksgiving," said Brad Lachman, who has executive produced the Macy's parade for 21 years. "It's as much of an American tradition as cooking the turkey. People turn it on, and they don't necessarily watch three hours of it, but their families are coming in and out of the living room, watching parts of it, cooking and coming back and watching more." One reason for the surging appeal of live broadcasts? "There's always the what's-going-to-happen-next factor," Lachman said.

Why Broadcast TV Is So Thankful for Thanksgiving