Why Steve Jobs’s Influence Is Reverberating Through Government

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[Commentary] One of the newest, hottest and most visible career paths right now is the westward exodus of talented investment bankers from Wall Street to Silicon Valley. But, if you look closely, this vaunted professional migration has been offset in recent months by an equally powerful influx of cutting-edge technology executives, who have flown East to Washington (DC) in order to help transform the US government into an innovative and 21st century data-driven digital entity.

Governments around the world are rapidly mobilizing to embrace the digital age because of intense constituent pressure to open, curate, network and deploy public data for new initiatives that will increase public sector transparency, accountability, cost savings and operational performance efficiency. As we look towards the future, it’s becoming increasingly clear that we’re currently witnessing a second American Revolution; but this time the government is being radically re-shaped by data-driven digital innovators who channel the thinking of Steve Jobs rather than patriotically-driven lawyers who accessed the philosophy of the Enlightenment.

Why Steve Jobs’s Influence Is Reverberating Through Government