Without Net Neutrality, We Can’t Trust Comcast to Do What’s Right

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[Commentary] We can’t trust that Comcast will protect our right to communicate without rules forcing them to do just that. So we’re back from Washington and ready to fight to keep the internet open for the poorest big city in America and beyond. Local communities have a big role to play. First, Congressional leaders have already moved to fully undo the horrible vote Ajit Pai’s Federal Communications Commission took on the 14th, with something called the Congressional Review Act. Second, state Attorneys General nationwide – including ours – are signing onto a lawsuit to sue the FCC over those fake comments – our Attorney General Shapiro estimates at least 100,000 Pennsylvanians’ names were fraudulently used to file pro-ISP, anti-net neutrality comments on the FCC’s rule-making on the issue. Third, Philly already has led the nation in using our power over local telecoms – our franchise agreements – to force them to truly serve the city’s needs.

[Hannah Sassaman is the policy director at Media Mobilizing Project]

Without Net Neutrality, We Can’t Trust Comcast to Do What’s Right